Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 13-14

13 – So first off Israel isn’t supposed to be like a loincloth aka underwear for God (v.11 ESV). It should be girdle (KJV) or belt (NIV). Basically a strong piece of clothing it keeps everything where it should be. Israel should be the strongest other nations it is the best example how things should […]

Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 11-12

Chapter 11. God has warned and warned you and you did not listen, so because you broke the Covenant you’ll die. And then He says the interesting thing: I will not listen to you if you cry for mercy. Yet we know that Israel will cry for mercy and the Lord will deliver them. Sounds […]

Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 3-4

So we continue the warning and accusation of Israel and also Judah this time. Interesting analogy in chapter 3. God put Israel away with a decree of divorce Judah, the wayward sister, did not learn from that. In Jeremiah continues to discuss the exact way in which the Lord will allow them to go their […]

Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 1-2

Once again enjoy the video. Fascinating stuff that I never knew or even considered before. one of the things I will need to remember while reading it is that this is an anthology written by a scribe. So there may be points where the topic changes abruptly, I’ll need to make note where one story […]

Daily Bible Reading: Isaiah 65-66

65:1-16: if I’m reading this right God is saying, open my arms to you and you rejected me so I’ll reject you. 17: so the words created, heavens, earth, are the exact same Hebrew words used in Genesis 1:1. The only difference is the addition of the word ‘new’. Which in this case means: different, […]

Daily Bible Reading: Isaiah 63-64

Chapter 63 – after talking with the Lord about his anger that killed people, Isaiah’s response is to discuss his Mercy, and then ask for mercy. usually when we are in the pits of despair we just wallow in it. We need to remember all the good things the Lord has done for us already, […]

Daily Bible Reading: Isaiah 59-60

59:1-13 – what is with these pronouns. He starts out saying you did this halfway through changes to their problems and then switches to we suffer. So he speaks to the unrighteous among us first, then to the righteous among us, then to all of us. Us being the Israelites and or God’s people. And […]

Daily Bible Reading: Isaiah 61-62

Maybe it’s just be but at least in chapter 61 I’m getting lost who the ‘their’, ‘they’ ‘i’ and ‘you’ are referring to. 61:4 they seems to refer to Israel building up the ruined city. And in 5-6 “tend your flocks” and “they will speak of you”. ‘they’ is the foreigners and ‘you’ is Israel. […]

Daily Bible Reading: Isaiah 57-58

57:1-13 – I laugh at how ridiculous Israel looks here. However I realized that we do the same thing. In times of relative peace I don’t bother putting my trust in God, but when hard times come the things I put my trust and will just blow away. And I’m left there with no; yelling […]