Daily Bible Reading: Isaiah 41-42

God is stronger than any of the ancient idols. He watched man make and then worship what they made and laughed. They can’t do anything. The idols don’t know, they cannot help, they cannot see the future. God can do all these things and more. Yet how much faith did they put in their idols, foolishly.

Yet how much faith do WE put in our idols. The idol or work, the idol of cell phone, the idol of people. We created and worship it. Why should I put all my faith and hope in a job that God gave me. Why should I worry that without that job I’m nothing. My identity should be in Christ.

I feel that if I lose my cell phone I am lost (sometimes quite literally). But it is nothing more than a tool. Is just a fancy hammer (though you should not use it as one).

When I get up in the morning the first thing I do is my devotions, or at least it’s supposed to be. I shouldn’t be checking all my notifications, making sure the battery charged, worshipping my phone.