“When You Aren’t Sure of God’s Direction” by Karen J. Salisbury

  1. Sit Tight

‘So the two sisters sent a message to Jesus telling him, “Lord, your dear friend is very sick.” But when Jesus heard about it he said, “Lazarus’s sickness will not end in death. No, it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this.” ‘ John 11:3-4 https://my.bible.com/bible/116/JHN.11.3-4

‘he stayed where he was for the next two days. ‘ John 11:6 https://my.bible.com/bible/116/JHN.11.6

‘But some said, “This man healed a blind man. Couldn’t he have kept Lazarus from dying?” “Roll the stone aside,” Jesus told them. But Martha, the dead man’s sister, protested, “Lord, he has been dead for four days. The smell will be terrible.” Jesus was still angry as he arrived at the tomb, a cave with a stone rolled across its entrance. Jesus responded, “Didn’t I tell you that you would see God’s glory if you believe?” So they rolled the stone aside. Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, “Father, thank you for hearing me. You always hear me, but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent me.” Then Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!” And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth. Jesus told them, “Unwrap him and let him go!”’ John 11:37-44 https://my.bible.com/bible/116/JHN.11.37-44

2. Refine Yourself

‘You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. ‘ Genesis 50:20 https://my.bible.com/bible/116/GEN.50.20

3. Prepare

‘“Get ready; be prepared! Keep all the armies around you mobilized, and take command of them. ‘ Ezekiel 38:7 https://my.bible.com/bible/116/EZK.38.7