Incident Response Recovery covers the actual recovery process from an incident that was identified and managed. It goes over the proper documentation necessary after the incident is handled, the legal concerns associated with the incident, and the lessons learned.
Finished “Incident Response Steps” on
In Incident Response Steps, David Biser accentuates the significance of planning out a response for when an incident occurs. He lays out an overview of the important steps of an incident response plan and gives a breakdown of each step.
Attended webinar “Asset Management & Intelligence Solutions Forum” by SANS Institute
Attended webinar “Shadow IT Elimination Solutions Forum” by SANS Institute
Finished “Command Line Basics” on
In this course you will learn the fundamentals of Command Line, a fundamental tool for any user of Windows and Linux machines. Command line allows developers to manipulate files easily and quickly. Learning command line saves developers time and resources.
Finished “DFIR Investigations and Witness Testimony” on
Is it time for you to testify? This course is for digital forensics and incident response professionals who are preparing to testify. Learn more about what makes an expert witness, as well as what is involved in the process from collection and analysis to testimony. Gain confidence with defending your work before you take the […]
Attended webinar “Cyber Solutions Fest: Level MITRE ATT&CK Framework” by SANS Institute
Attended webinar “Cyber Solutions Fest: Level Threat Hunting & Intelligence” by SANS Institute
Attended webinar “Threat Hunting Summit Solutions Track” by SANS Institute
Finished “Analyzing Attacks for Incident Handlers” on
An important but often overlooked process in incident handling is memory analysis. In this installment of David Biser’s series on incident response, he explains and demonstrates how to use memory analysis to investigate an attack and gain useful evidence from memory that may not otherwise be available.